Reintroducing Myself: My Bariatric Surgery Journey

Hello, friend,
Whether you're returning or discovering this space for the first time, I'm so glad you're here. The last four—nearly five—years have been a whirlwind, full of highs, lows, and everything in between. But I’m back and ready to rebuild stronger than ever.
For those who are new, let me share a bit about my journey. In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, I embarked on my bariatric surgery journey. At the time, I weighed 125 kg (275 lbs), and life felt uncertain—being stood down from work, returning to work, and adjusting to a new way of living. But through it all, I found my way. I lost an incredible 60.5 kg (133 lbs), and though I’ve since regained about 5 kg (11 lbs), I’m determined to not only reach my lowest weight again but to build strength and muscle along the way.
This space—Becoming Nikki—is my love letter to myself and my journey, and I hope it becomes a source of inspiration and connection for you, too.
The first year after surgery felt, dare I say, “easy.” Sure, I dealt with challenges like dumping syndrome, but my motivation was sky-high, and life felt good. A year later, I became pregnant—something I’d dreamed of and one of the reasons I had surgery. But that joy turned to heartbreak when I miscarried. The loss plunged me into a cycle of self-doubt and self-loathing, making me question if all of this was worth it.
Here I am, four years later, at almost 36, still holding onto the hope of having a baby and reclaiming the health and strength I once had. The journey hasn’t been easy. Last year, I faced a cervical cancer scare and discovered fibroids that need to be removed to support my fertility journey.
Reviving this site feels like coming home. It’s a place for me to share, reflect, and maybe even help just one person feel less alone in their bariatric journey.
Thank you for visiting Becoming Nikki. If you choose to stay, know this: my inbox is always open, and I’m here to listen and support you.
With love,
